Thursday, March 27, 2008

Jena's the only one qualified to TRULY answer...

"Most of the time do deaf and hard of hearing individuals date other deaf individuals?"


jena said...

Do a black person date another blacks most of the time?

Do a 25 year old date others in the age range most of the time?

So... do a deaf/HOH person date another deaf/HOH most of the time?


Its more of a communication issue and sometimes similiar experiences in life to help understand each other why we're like that. My long time boyfriend is HOH. He and I grew up in very similiar childhoods - only deaf in the family, mainstreamed with public schools, and so on. He was oral when we started back in 2000 but he wanted to learn sign so he did.

I have dated hearing people before and they were not a bad experience. Just didn't work out like many other relationships. One last thing, a deaf person with a hearing person who's an interpreter happens very often also. That's why I said its more of a communication issue.

Cathy White said...

LOL Jena, do we know anyone who is the exception to our "most of the time" scenarios? What are you saying???? :)

jena said...

I'm saying you're extra unique.