Tuesday, March 25, 2008


I loved last wednesdays class...I guess it really hit home for me. I was legally blind until the age of 15. I had actually forgotten about some of the things they had in my IEP to make learning easier for me. One of the things was the teachers were supposed to use an overhead projector rather than the chalkboard. I had a teacher in fifth grade who day after day refused to use the overhead...and I vividly remember my assistant for the blind chewing her out...hmmmm I think my mom did too hehehe. Of course she had to comply but it took her a long time. To this day she is the worst teacher I've ever had. She didnt care if I could see the material or not she had been teaching that way for a long time and she didnt want to change it just for me.


Keisha said...

This may be rude, but I don't understand why people like that are teachers. If they aren't willing to find the best ways to help their students succeed, why do they want to teach at all? Isn't teaching all about helping your students to learn instead of hindering them? As for the whole overhead thing...not only would she be able to write the stuff she wanted, but she would be able to face the students at the same time. By writing on the board she'd be teaching with her back to the students. It seems like it would benefit both the student and teacher, but maybe I'm just crazy. : )

lei stratton said...

Yeah i really don't know what her problem was maybe she lost her passion for teaching....but then again can that happen? personally i dont think my passion for teaching kids could ever disappear