I am willing to do a Make Up session and go over each section of the project for ANY ONE who is interested - IF THERE IS AN INTEREST. I'll do this for ONE student or ten. Numbers do not matter. One is important.
Because of my full time work load the only time I could do it would be a Thursday evening or a weekend (most likely a Sunday afternoon). However, depending on IF and WHO responds I'll make the decision at that time.
If you are interested in attending a "How to Do/Conduct & Analyze My Language Project" you may comment here or email me.
I would love to attend a make-up session if others will be attending. I wouldn't want you to go through the trouble for just one person! Just let me know when to show up, and thank you for being so kind as to offer your time!
I think that would help alot!
Several people have said they are interested in doing this. For the people who were not able to be in class we will go over the the who, what, when, where questions. But, we will also spend time going over EACH component and how to analyze a sample for Form, Semantics and Pragmatics.
I am going to call some places like O'Charley's or Red Lobster and see who has a separate room where we can meet. We'll get a coke/coffee or sandwich and go over our project.
Right now I am looking at Sunday, the, the 16th at 4:00 when students return from Spring Break. I want to get it in ASAP but I don't see any way to do it before break.
Thoughts on that date/time/type of location?
Both places sound great to me (yum yum--wink, wink) and that date sounds good as well. Thanks again!
that sounds great. I work on sundays but will try to get off early for that day.
Food and learning sounds good to me also! I too work sunday, but I'm sure I can sneak out a little early as long as I have a week's notice. thanks mrs.white for taking the time to do this.
I hate for people to miss Sunday evening church if that is an issue for anyone. Otherwise, let's do it at 5:00. This still gets everyone home at a decent time.
I'll post FINAL time, location, date, etc.
But, for now it is Sunday, March 16th at 5:00 at a restaurant in Richmond.
March 16th at 5:00 sounds good to me! Just let me know which restaurant.
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