Thursday, February 21, 2008

Establishing & Maintaining the Topic

It is good to see the various ideas that are being shared on the blog. As we are now used to logging on and posting to the blog it is time to take our online communication "to the next level." How can we create a place that fosters more effective communication, interaction and discussion of ideas in one place on the blog?

Pragmatics - how we USE language effectively is one of the components of language we are addressing throughout this semester. Online pragmatics are different than face to face. Establishing and maintaining the topic on a BLOG is a bit different than face to face.

One of the skills that would promote having ONE conversation about ONE topic is to post all comments about a topic in ONE place. This means prior to creating a NEW post please scroll through the recent posts and see what has been posted recently. Often times the idea or topic you are getting ready to post regarding is ALREADY in a another place with a current THREAD of discussion. Please post to THAT discussion MAINTAINING THAT TOPIC in that one location. Before you create a new post think about your idea and see if/how it might fit into another topic that has been submitted in the past week or so. If no posts/discussions on THAT TOPIC have already been started then "establish a new topic/create a new post."

You receive points for posts or comments that you contribute to the blog.

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