Tuesday, February 26, 2008

feedback on test

I have checked and maybe I am just doing something wrong...but i can't seem to be able to find the comments or feedback on my test...I guess I'll just keep trying.


Cathy White said...

Click on your test. The feedback is under each question. It may only be a sentence or two relative to the questions you answered incorrectly.

Rachael M. said...

you can also go to your grade it is blue and underlined, then click on it, this takes you to another window with the grade posted again, double click the number that is underlined and it will take you to your test and Mrs. White's feedback on it...
hope this helps, if the other way doesn't work for ya...

rachael m

Cathy White said...

Thanks, Rachel! It helps to have a STUDENT post directions because you have a different view than I do. However, if anyone is still not seeing their feedback please do email me and let me know.

You can also ask another student to try and help you access it, though, just to make sure.

PS...the Monday night gang has gotten me hooked on posting images with my profile. I'm going to change it often just to keep you guessing when it is and isn't REALLY me!

Anonymous said...

yes thank you guys so much!

chet said...

thanks that helped me also