Thursday, February 7, 2008

Class Wednesday

I was wondering if anyone could tell me exactly what language acquistion is and how it can be applied to the classroom? I am really unsure about that and tried to figure it out from the book but I am still just a little unsure.


Melissa said...

I am on the same page with Bridget somewhat. I understand the different models of language acquisition, but I am not sure how each could be applied to the classroom. Since this is obviously going to be a test question, could someone give me some insight on this?

Cathy White said...

Let's think about STUDENTS who will be in your classroom. If the student uses 2-3 words to communicate wants and needs...what will YOU do as a teacher to address this? (I realize we're in a beginning class...but think with me)

If you believe as Skinner would you structure activities? If you believe like Bloom, how would that impact activities in your class?

Let's throw out some ideas and we'll discuss it here on the blog. But, we'll also go over this in class. We'll thoroughly discuss the way this will appear on the test. There will be nothing "tricky" or "surprising" about the test. It is designed to allow you to demonstrate what you now understand about chapters 1-5 and how you would (based on your current experience and our class discussions) apply that to the "real world" or classroom setting.

Cathy White said...

Ladies, have you watched the video clips here on the blog? I'd encourage you to check out the ones that include teachers and kids and see if that helps with a connection.

Amanda Biehl said...

So I'm going to try to see if I'm doing this right.

If took SKinners theory of language development, I would structure my activities trying to string together the students environment something they know around them really well with something to do with language. Skinner would teach by showing different examples and ideas letting the kids see the information in order to learn it. Children will learn better when using models and imitations of the teacher.

Is this What you were talking about Mrs. White, would this be right for something Skinner would do in the class room or not?

Cathy White said...

Excellent, Amanda. You are on the right track! Skinner's theory is based on imitation and models. So, if this is what you believed was most influential in children acquiring language then in YOUR CLASSROOM you would realize YOU are the students language role model. You would expose them to as many language role models as possible in as many different ways as possible...consider how you might do that!

Rachael M. said...

The videos on the blog site are a great helpful tool in further explaining language acquisition. It's one thing to read it in the book, but for me actually seeing it and getting a good visual really helps my understanding. The videos are very helpful for those of us who learn more on a visual note rather than simply reading it or hearing someone talk about it.