Friday, February 22, 2008

Blog post per month

How many of these blog post do we need each month? I think only 4 a month, but I could be wrong?


Cathy White said...

You receive 2 points per post up to 4 posts each month. This is 8 "free" points each month for participating in LANGUAGE & COMMUNICATION or the meaningful exchange of your ideas. There are no right or wrong answers!

Anonymous said...

I understand that we only have to do 4 posts per month, but if we leave more than 4 posts, do we get extra credit?

Abbey said...

No extra credit as far as I understand. Just the 4 point max...

Cathy White said...

Nah baby nah on the extra credit. Abbey is correct.

chet said...

are there any extra credit options in the class?