Sunday, January 27, 2008


I know this might sound like a stupid question, but I understood the fact that Phonology is the smallest unit of sound, however I'm confused what part of the word is the phonology. For example if we have the words lay say ray pay would the phonology be l, s, r, and p or would it be ay since ay is the same each time wouldn't that be the smallest unit of sound or would it be the first letter since it makes each word different. I don't know if i just made sense or not but i was kinda confused when i looked back at my notes reviewing.
If anyone could help me out that would be great.



Cathy White said...

Glad you asked. Actually, you need to make sure you are using the right vocabulary. A PHONEME is the smallest unit of sound. If you check out the comments under Missed Class you will see where I have explained in detail about the number of phonemes in EACH of the words in an example like you have given here. Please look over that explanation. Feel free to post additional questions there or back here after looking at the number of phonemes in those words or the ones you have listed here.

Next is the word, phonology. Phonology has to do with the ability to distinguish and categorize sounds in speech. This has to do with when the child HEARS sound, recognizes that the sound he hears is actually a SPEECH sound used to make words (as opposed to a squeak, a rattle, a roar - - none of those are sounds used to make SPEECH sounds).

Rachael M. said...

In your examples you would break the word down and like in the word pay, the p-sound would be one and the ay-sound would be another. This is becuase they are both the smallest units of sound in that particular word. I hope you understand and that's not too confusing...

Cathy White said...

You're exactly right!