Thursday, January 31, 2008

It took me a while to figure out how to leave a post, but here's what you do...up in the right hand corner (where the dark blue is) you should see your email address. Next to that is "New Post". Just click on that and it will take you to a page where you can type and leave your own post. After you are done typing make sure to click on the orange, "publish post" button. You can then click on the view blog button (also in the blue, but on the left side) and it will take you back to the original blog, where all of the other blogs are at. Hope this helps!!!


Cathy White said...

Thanks, Jessica! This has been a frequent question. It is good to have the written directions here for people to refer to whenever they need them!

Anonymous said...

Another thing to remember is that if you use this for anything else check your name. i accidentally posted under my screen name Morrighan at first.