Thursday, April 17, 2008

Tech Center

I just wanted to say how much I enjoyed visiting the technology center last night. It really made me look at objects I use on a daily basis and think how they can be modified or simplified. Not only is this center a good resource while I'm in school doing projects and such, but it is also a place I will keep in mind to visit when I'm actually in the field of OT and helping children adapt to their environment! Thanks for sharing this resource center with us Mrs. White!


jessica said...

I totally agree! I didn't realize how the things I use everyday can be modified to help someone who can't. There is so much that disabled people miss out on because we don't think that we can get them what they need. The technology center made me realize that we CAN find a way for them to have all the opportunities that I have and I will carry this into the field of teaching!!

Anonymous said...

I agree, I really enjoyed it. It wasn't quite what I expected it to be, but it was interesting. I would have never thought that all of those items on the table could have been tools to help kids function. I really enjoyed the computer programs though. I knew that there were programs out there that could help, but I had never seen any of them in person.

Anonymous said...

I agree, I thought it was very interesting. I learned a lot of things that I really think will help me in the future and even my mom in classroom now.

ashley smith said...
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ashley smith said...

I too really enjoyed the technology center and I feel way more knowledgable about all these toys (I mean learning tools)!! I can't imagine being a teacher long ago and trying to adapt all the lessons without the help of these people and this stuff?!?! hmmm...

Emily Blomquist said...

I agree! It was a really great place to visit. I too was shocked how you can make assistive technology from anything imaginably. It definitely will be a good resource for now and the future I am sure.

chet said...

I really enjoyed visiting the tech center also. I checked out a disk sit for my son. I had considered buying one from southpaw enterprises for him but was hesitant to because I really wasn't sure if he would like it or not.

Rachael M. said...

I really like the field trip as well. I have been to the center before, but am always excited to see all the new things they have and hope to make use of this center when I become and educator.

jacqueroth said...

I agree as well, I enjoyed the tech center and feel that i learned a lot but I think it would have been better if more things were hands on so we can learn how to use them. I really liked working with the tools at the beginning and also I liked the computer programs. This is something that should be continued in upcoming years.