Monday, April 21, 2008

Final Exam

I'm trying to figure out when to have my family come to help me move out. Is the final exam online, or do we have night class? I'm assuming it's online, but it would be just my luck that I'm wrong. An answer from anyone would be appreciated! thanks


Cathy White said...

It will be online the week of Finals.

ashley smith said...

thanks for that questions and the answer... I like knowing and planning out tests and such.

Cathy White said...

Actually. . . I'll discuss this tonight in class (you might want to check out Monday night's blog discussion) I'm looking for your input on structure and content of the final. WHEN it is offered is also up for discussion.

One thing for certain - it WILL be online.

Anonymous said...

I'm just glad it will be online. Will open next week and be open till that following week like the others have been?

Keisha said...

I'm glad it will be online too. There is so much left to do before school lets out. That will be one less thing to have to worry about especially if we can take it early.

Anonymous said...

It seems to be a trend the SED classes are all online finals thanks for the boost. great class