Monday, April 21, 2008


I just had a quick question about my project. I have done the transcription and am to the part where I section off all turns. I am assuming this is refering to the turn-taking within the conversation, but am a little unsure of how I should section them off. Should I do this on the transcription and just number everytime the child takes a turn in the conversation? I understand what I'm looking for, I'm just not sure how to section it off. Any information would be greatly appreciated, thanks!


rachel said...

Ok, would sectioning off the turns just be what is already included in the transcription? For example:

Rachel: Do you want to paint?
Ava: No, I want to color.

Is that how the turns are sectioned off or is there another way I'm supposed to section the turns? Also, can I use the child's name in the transcription or should I just use the term "child". Again any information would be appreciated. Thanks guys!

Cathy White said...

Rachel is exactly right. By transcribing the conversation as she has she is sectioning off when a person TAKES A TURN TALKING. You may have several UTTERANCES in one turn, however.

The Monday night gang has asked this a couple of times a few ways. You may also want to check out their blog as well.

Diane said...

I am glad I read this because I was thinking of utterances rather than Turns!