Wednesday, April 23, 2008


I liked test 3 because we were given some choice about what questions to answer. However, whether or not the final is the same format or not, I'll be fine. My concern is that I hope it will still be an untimed test. It is so much less streesful that way! I also love the idea of the test being posted early so people can go ahead and get it out of the way. I know for me my finals are all clumped up together.

Good luck to everybody on your finals!!!


Anonymous said...

I agree, I'd rather not have a timed test either. She talked about maybe having something like 18 questions, and that is what worries me. It takes me a long time to think through and answer those 9 questions, to put 18 essay questions on there is just going to make it really really long. I did like the idea of multiple choice though.

jessica said...

I too, must agree! I like the fact that the last two test were not timed and we could go in and look at them before we actually take and submit it. I am also debating about the questions on the test. I think that I like the idea of a comprehensive test. I feel like I have a good understanding of what we have already covered and I am not sure that I will be so knowledgeable with what we are covering now. I do think that a few multiple choice questions wouldn't hurt. They usually help boost the score and I need all the boosting that I can get!!

Anonymous said...

I also hope its untimed. I like being able to go in and look them over and then going back to ther book or papers to find the answer.

Anonymous said...

yes the test that was untimed gave me chance to look at the questions ahead of time before I actually took the test and gave me time to prepare for it. I would love for the final to be untimed, it helps so much.

Melissa said...

I think that it would be better to have a comprehensive final, covering questions we had in the first 3 tests mostly and maybe a couple of questions from the last chapter(s) because I don't feel like we covered those topics enough to do well on a test just over those things. Also, I would rather have 10 or so questions rather than 20. That's just my opinion!

Rachael M. said...

I agree, the last test was formatted in such a way that it allowed me to express what i know and eliminated a since of stress.

chet said...

I like the idea of having a mixture of multiple choice and essay questions. Having a test without a time limit is great for me because a lot of times I will start the test and answer a couple questions then get interrupted and have to come back to it later.

Claire said...

I like the idea of an untimed test, but I would like the format to stay the same as it is right now. I don't like MC because there is only one right answer. With OR tests, there are multiple answers (or at least ways of saying the answer) that could be right. I also like the idea of the test being posted early...I'm going to have more than enough to think about finals week, and it would be nice to be able to get this final out of the way.

Amanda Biehl said...

As many people have already said I also agree thinking it would be amazing if the test was given sometime this week allowing us to get it out of the way before the stress starts to build up a little more coming to exam times. I have like the last two test that allowed us to open the document as many times as possible and wasn't timed and I also liked the very last test having a few extra questions so we can decide what ones to answer. I think the test are at a good at a number of 9 questions i know the 9 quest we have had may not seem like it would take a long time but it does and having more questions i think will make me go crazy because it would be double the time. Im not sure though how i feel about the multiple choice questions its just hard to do something that is so different and wouldnt know what to expect but I guess im open to new things. I hope this helped you a little Mrs. White with my opinion of the final .. hope u had a great weekend!!!!!!

Emily Blomquist said...

I would definitely like the test to not be timed either. It takes a lot of stress off. Even if the time limit is four hours, knowing there is a time limit stresses me out. I like the way test three was and that we had a choice to eliminate two questions. Also, I would rather the final be cumulative because I don't feel that we have gone over the more recent material enough to be really confident about it on the final. These are my thoughts.