Tuesday, April 22, 2008


I just had a question about sectioning off the clauses. Do we have to section off the clauses for semantics and pragmatics, or is sectioning off the clauses limited to the analysis of form? I looked at the sheet for pragmatics and it said nothing about sectioning off clauses, but on the major components of conducting a language sample, under bullet E, it says to section off the clauses. Guess I'm just confused again. Thanks for the help in advance!


jessica said...

I think that you have to section of the clauses in all of the three different categories, analysis of form, analysis of semantics, and analysis of pragmatics. I think what she means is to number them, so she can see how many you have. I only numbered the ones for the little person I was interviewing. I think that is right.

Cathy White said...

Yes, you have to number your utterances/clauses for ALL THREE.

In analysis of Form you will be putting the utterance numbers with the transitive, intransitive or equative.

In analysis of Semantics you will be identify the meaning of each as it is listed on the paper. You can put the numbers out to the side of those listed (existences, attributes, dative, specifier, etc.

In analysis of Pragmatics you will be identifying the conversational skills as they relate to the various utterances.