Tuesday, April 29, 2008

ASL video dictionary

Check this sight out guys! It is linked to the right of the blog titled "ASL Video Dictionary." If you have not done it yet, DO IT! Mrs. White, thanks for posting it. I wish I had looked at it earlier because it totally could have helped me in ASL 101. But thanks for posting it!


Anonymous said...

There are actually a few like this. There is a list in the ASL Lab or at least there used to be. You could ask Mrs. Sarah Williams and she would know where it is.

chet said...

that's really cool. I have a book about ASL that demonstrates the signs but it is really nice to see it on the web like this

Rachael M. said...

I love this, it helps me brush up on my asl!! ;)

jacqueroth said...

I loved this as well

Keisha said...

I was looking for links that would help me practice. Thanks!