Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Final Grades

Does anyone know when we will be able to view all of our final grades for all of our classes?


I just wanted to say it was nice to see everyone for the last time in this class tonight and i hope everyone does well on the final and succeed with their majors.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

ASL video dictionary

Check this sight out guys! It is linked to the right of the blog titled "ASL Video Dictionary." If you have not done it yet, DO IT! Mrs. White, thanks for posting it. I wish I had looked at it earlier because it totally could have helped me in ASL 101. But thanks for posting it!

Monday, April 28, 2008


Mrs. White,
When are our last two blogs due by? I also wanted you to know how much I have enjoyed your class very much. I have watched how you have taught our class and made mental notes of strategies to use. I hope I am even half as good at being able to get through to my students as you have been. Thank you for reinforcing for me that this profession is exactly what I want to be doing.

Sunday, April 27, 2008


  • The final exam will be available to be taken from Wednesday, April 30th until Wednesday, May 7th. It MUST be completed by midnight on the 7th.
  • The final exam will be open book, open note. I encourage you to ORGANIZE your notes and materials prior to the exam.
  • The final exam will not be timed. It can be accessed multiple times.
  • The final exam will consist of essay questions with 3 multiple choice questions for extra credit.
  • The final exam will provide you the option of skipping two questions.
  • The final exam will be comprehensive.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

I just wanted to say thank you to Mrs. White...for letting us out of class early. This has been a very tiring week already!! Testing is going on in the schools and I work in the school system so guess what...I am a proctor for testing. For some reason it has absolutely wore me out. Getting out of class early was super!! I enjoyed the drive home and even got home before my husband and boys got home from church and got to surprise them. So, THANK YOU Mrs. White!!!!!!!! It was greatly appreciated!


I liked test 3 because we were given some choice about what questions to answer. However, whether or not the final is the same format or not, I'll be fine. My concern is that I hope it will still be an untimed test. It is so much less streesful that way! I also love the idea of the test being posted early so people can go ahead and get it out of the way. I know for me my finals are all clumped up together.

Good luck to everybody on your finals!!!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Quick we bring in a hard copy of the language analysis or do we submit it on-line? Should we do both? I don't remeber hearing anyone say.


I just had a question about sectioning off the clauses. Do we have to section off the clauses for semantics and pragmatics, or is sectioning off the clauses limited to the analysis of form? I looked at the sheet for pragmatics and it said nothing about sectioning off clauses, but on the major components of conducting a language sample, under bullet E, it says to section off the clauses. Guess I'm just confused again. Thanks for the help in advance!

Monday, April 21, 2008

Final Exam

I'm trying to figure out when to have my family come to help me move out. Is the final exam online, or do we have night class? I'm assuming it's online, but it would be just my luck that I'm wrong. An answer from anyone would be appreciated! thanks


I was just wondering where utterances like ummm, yea sure, sure and OK would go on the phase sheet. I'm not quite sure and any help would be greatly appreciated. Also, when a child says no to something that is considered to be rejection correct? Or does it have to be something in particular?


I just had a quick question about my project. I have done the transcription and am to the part where I section off all turns. I am assuming this is refering to the turn-taking within the conversation, but am a little unsure of how I should section them off. Should I do this on the transcription and just number everytime the child takes a turn in the conversation? I understand what I'm looking for, I'm just not sure how to section it off. Any information would be greatly appreciated, thanks!

Friday, April 18, 2008

One Word Utterances

ok, so my project is all typed out and the utterances are numbered, and im on the step where you tell what kind of utterance it is (transitive, intransitive, or equative). I've got them all except for the one work utterances, what category do they go under? There are lots of times when the girl just said "Yes" or "WHOA!" Also, what do I call the utterances where she says, "And....And....And..." Any help would be appreciated! Thanks!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Tech Center

I just wanted to say how much I enjoyed visiting the technology center last night. It really made me look at objects I use on a daily basis and think how they can be modified or simplified. Not only is this center a good resource while I'm in school doing projects and such, but it is also a place I will keep in mind to visit when I'm actually in the field of OT and helping children adapt to their environment! Thanks for sharing this resource center with us Mrs. White!

Language Project

I am finding it hard to choose which area I want to address in my project--pragmatics, semantics, etc. Would someone share with me what they based their choice on? I need to figure that out in order to move on to doing the analysis. Thanks in advance!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Daily Dozen

As the semester is winding down and you tend to become overwhelemed I encourage you to consider these dozen tips for each day...
  • Take one day at a time.
  • Pray
  • Eat right.
  • Pace yourself. Spread out big changes and difficult projects over time; don't lump the hard things all together.
  • Talk less; listen more.
  • Separate worries from concerns . If a situation is a concern, find out what God would have you do and let go of the anxiety . If you can't do anything about a situation, forget it.
  • Find time to be alone, jot down thoughts and inspirations.
  • Spend time with someone you love
  • Laugh, find at least a few minutes to relax and have fun.
  • Develop a forgiving attitude (most people are doing the best they can).
  • Go to bed on time and get up on time so you can start the day unrushed.
  • Every night before bed, think of one thing you're grateful for that you've never been grateful for before.

Monday, April 14, 2008

language analysis project

when counting utterances on our language analysis project if the child answers a  question or statement by saying "yeah", then pauses before saying their next sentence is that considered an utterance to be counted or should we include the "yeah" as part of the sentences

I know this may seem as a silly question but i wasn't positive and didn't want to number everything wrong then have to go back and change all my answers. 

THANKS for the help!!

Wednesday, April 9, 2008


I found this website tonight and thought that some of you may be interested. It explains what HBOT does and how it works.

Apr. 9 class

Hey all!
I was just wondering if someone could leave a summary of class on the blog for me tonight. Unfortunately, I'm going to have to miss class so if someone could just leave me the major topics we cover tonight it'd be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Bluegrass Technology Center Class

We WILL be meeting at the Bluegrass Technology Center on April 16th for class. If you wish to carpool feel free to leave a comment here so that students can plan to ride together. Class will start PROMPTLY at 6:30 at the center which is located 961 Beasley Street Suite in Lexington. I have GOOGLED a map for you at,+Lexington,+KY&sll=44.527843,-95.712891&sspn=28.225224,59.414063&ie=UTF8&ll=38.041839,-84.440145&spn=0.030486,0.058022&z=14 . Class will end at approximately 8:00.

If anyone is interested in going out to eat after class for a question/answer session on your project we will head to a restaurant in Hamburg. Feel free to bring your transcribed language project and have the group help you with any questions.

Basically you will take 75 North and get off at the Winchester, US 60 exit. Turn left towards Lexington. Go approximately 2 miles. Turn LEFT at the LIGHT onto FORTUNE Drive. Immediately turn RIGHT onto Beasley.

The center is a not for profit organization and accepts donations in order to continue their work. If any of you have and CAN bring any of the following items it will be very much appreciated. If you can not that is ok.
  • External mouse for computers you no longer are using
  • EMPTY printer cartridges - all types
  • NEW AA or C size batteries (one pack per person would be great - again do not feel as if you MUST do this)

Comment here with any questions or concerns.

Monday, April 7, 2008


I just finished the test and feel as if some questions were much harder since we weren't able to talk and get in depth about certain parts of intellecutal disabilites as i would have liked. Other than that I hope ever one else isn't as loaded with projects and papers to be done with in the next few weeks as me. Summer is just around the corner YAY!!!!

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Saturday, April 5, 2008

observation report

Do we turn in the observation reports on blackboard? I cannot find a spot for them, just the assignment and the rubric.


Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Class tonight

Can someone give me an overview on tonights lesson I have been so sick and could not make it this week. Anything would help me alot. Thanks

Sample Project

Do we determine the mean length utterance for which ever way we choose to analyize the sample? I know we have three different ways we can analyize, but do we do the MLU for all of them?

Tuesday, April 1, 2008


This is last minute but I thought I would ask..
Is anyone coming from Lexington anytime after 5p.m. for class tomorrow? My car was supposed to be fixed but we found more problems with it and I am stuck in between Lexington and Richmond tomorrow!
I work off of exit 97 off of 75. If anyone is coming from lexington to richmond, they pass right by the exit. can anyone pick me up? i do not need a ride home from class, just to class.
i hate to miss class again because of this silly car problem..
call 513-490-6889 if anybody can help. and thank you!!!!!
Just wanted to say happy April Fool's day to all!! My husband has already got me this morning. Hope you all do better than I did (don't be fooled)!!!!!!!!!


Becasue of a severe family illness in St. Louis, I will be absent on Wed. April 2nd. Can some one please give me an over view of what we do either through email or on the blog.
Thank you.