Sunday, March 23, 2008

Yea for me (and I do not mean to brag but I am really surprised)!!!! I got a good grade on test 2. I am so excited!!! I am finally getting it. At first I was not quite understanding all the concepts we were learning in class, but now I am beginning to feel comfortable with it. Congratulations to all of you who also performed well. Finally understanding and succeeding is what makes it all worth it!!!!!!


Cathy White said...

Since there were lots of students who may have had a general understanding of the information but did not do well on the test are feeling very frustrated...what tips can you share that helped you?

Rachael M. said...

I felt I had a general understanding of the information, but seemed to have a little trouble putting exactly what I wanted to say on the test. I did fair on the exam, but know I could have done better. I think I was just really sick when I was taking it I was only half focused! ;)

-feeling much better now though, thank goodness!!!

Leslie B said...

I thought that I understood the question when I read it but then when I read over the comments I realized that I really didn't understand it at all. I don't know what the problem is but I am not understanding what the question is truely asking for. Any suggestions?

Heather Rector said...

Leslie I agree I had a similar problem. I thought I understood what the question was asking until I was going over the feedback and realized I had totaly missed what was being asked. Im not sure if I didn't read the question throughly or what? But I am thankful for the oppertunity to get a few extra points with the assignment due on Wednesday.

jessica said...

I will not lie. I printed out the questions on the test before I took it. I read over each one and I actually went back and read over the chapters. I carefully thought about how I would handle each question and went from there. I also have an advantage, I work in an elementary school, so when I read over the questions I thought about different students and reading groups that I have and applied the test questions to them. I thought about certain students who have a little trouble with reading and thought about how I would apply what I have learned to teaching these children. And I honestly thought about how I want these kids to remember me next year when they go on to the next grade and I am not there to help anymore (I will be attending EKU full time). I really do what to have a positive effect on these childrens lives and I want them to remember it!!!!

Melissa said...

Just a thought..I think that thoroughly reading the chapters in the test book and answering the questions at the end of the chapter helps me to prepare for the test. Maybe that would help someone who didn't do as well as they'd like.

Cathy White said...

We will specifically go over each question on Test 2 in class tomorrow. We'll talk about HOW to answer questions. I've created a sheet specifically designed for how to take online tests.

I have received very positive feedback from some of the students in the Monday night class - even though I really did preach a sermon for several minutes along with the support I attempted to provide.

Anonymous said...

yes I definitely thought that I did better than I actually did. Questions that I thought I did perfectly well on I only got partial credit. I thought I understood what i was reading but I must have understood wrong

Cathy White said...

Julia, once you read the feedback I gave do you still feel like your answer was correct and you should have full credit?

I'm ALWAYS open to discussing answers with students. If I misunderstood what you wrote, I WILL change my mind and give you full credit. If you haven't answered the question that is stated, that's another story.

ashley smith said...

I also felt that I had a general understanding of most content and could put it into my terms and give an overview to someone who knew nothing about the topics... however, this is a college class and I too was very unhappy and surprised at my grade... and i need to pay more attention to details! thanks for the bonus opportunity.