Tuesday, March 4, 2008

test 2

hello all-
I was just checking my understanding of test 2.... when will it be posted? and when will it be due?? thanks, hope everyone's week is off to a good start.


Anonymous said...

It looks like it is already posted on blackboard, but I'm not sure when it is due. I assume it's similar to the same deal we had last time, so probably by next wednesday. oh, but that's break, so, I have no idea.

Cathy White said...

We will discuss this in depth in class tomorrow/Weds night. It is currently posted but should ONLY be taken through the COMMONS MATERIALS course/section - will be explained in class.

It is NOT timed.
You may access it as many times as you wish.
It is not due until Wednesday, March 19th. This allows you to do it BEFORE Spring Break and get it out of the way if you wish. If you have TOO MANY midterms and want to wait you may do it AFTER Spring Break. Or, if you want to work on school stuff during break you're welcome to complete it then.

Trying to accomodate everyone's schedule with this due to the fact that the article is also due during this time because of MY mistake.

ashley smith said...

Thanks mrs.white for the exceptions and as alwasy for getting right back to us. Not all of us have beach trips planned so... I know I can take the test before or after work - here in who knows what kinda of weather in ky. haha.

AngelaMcG said...

Thanks Mrs White for not having a time limit on this test. I think that is the reason I done so horrible on the first test, cause all I could look at was the clock..

Cathy White said...

I do want to be flexible and allow people the opportunity to make sufficient time to work on the assessment.

I do want to use it as a learning experience. I believe students work through material in Blackboard and in their texts in ways they do not do at other times during the semester. This means students are engaging in important materials and resources. I want to provide adequate time for everyone to do that.

It reasons with increased time to access material and resources as well as to answer the questions would therefore come in depth and well thought out answers that demonstrate students understanding of the materials they accessed.

rachel said...

Thanks for allowing the test to be opened multiple times and not having timed. This is SO much more convenient for me and I'm not as stressed this time! Thanks again Mrs. White!