Monday, March 17, 2008

What did you do in class

What did you do in class on the fifth because i was sick i could not attend. I was hoping i did not miss the day where the class went over the deaf topic since i am majoring in deaf edu. Let me know thanks.


Diane said...

You didn't miss the topic of Deaf or hard of hearing! We discussed Learning Disabilities and how sometimes reading in pairs would help either outloud or silently then disscussing with your partner the material that was read.

Cathy White said...

We will discuss deafness and blindess THIS week. A former student of mine is coming to talk about her experience in schools and her cochlear implant.

jacqueroth said...

Ok good i hope that i can add lots of good info on topics since that is my major. Im excited to hear your opinions on the cohlear and your former students oppinon but that may cause some strong disscussion since that is such a sensitive topic in the deaf community.

Cathy White said...

Yes, it will be interesting tomorrow when you have the opportunity to meet someone who actually has had one for years.

I think CRITICAL for ALL EDUCATORS to remember is that it is NOT for US to judge or decide regarding ANY method for ANY child. We are to remain UNBIASED and provide PARENTS the information to make the best decision for their child. We may be "educated" or have access to information or have degrees. It NEVER gives us the right to tell parents what they SHOULD do in regards to the options relative to education. We only offer the facts and options and PARENTS DECIDE.

Anonymous said...

I have been learning as a Deaf Ed Special Ed Major for a long time if you ever have any questions i can always help.