Wednesday, March 19, 2008


Hey everyone!! 

I dont know if anyone can help me out, but i cant remember if our observations had to be in strictly an all special ed. classroom or if it could be in a general ed. class that may have students with IEPS. If anyone could let me know that would be great! 



Amanda Biehl said...

Sorry one more thing with the observation, I was reading the observation interview document and from my impression we just have to observe one class then ask the four questions to the teacher and write a report on the responses and what i observed. Is that right?

sorry if these seems like dumb questions but I just want to make sure I'm doing it right.
Thanks :)

Cathy White said...

You are right. Make sure you address everything that is included in the rubric.

It can be a regular education classroom. It would be best if there are students with special needs in the room.

Anonymous said...

The Rubric has a good detailed list of what we have to write. it is just formatted differently then you are thinking that is all.

Claire said...

I know Mrs. White already responded to this so it's kind of pointless for me to, but I just thought I'd offer an opinion :P I'm doing mine in a Special Ed room just because I think it will be more beneficial to me. Since this is an SED class, I think it is important to observe a group of Special Ed students. Anyway, just thought I'd put in my two cents :)

Amanda Biehl said...

thanks everyone for the feedback i appreciate it... I have one more question though i went home last week on a thurs and was hoping to observe on friday however i never was able to get ahold of the teacher i know and i was wondering what school around richmond you would suggest going to observe.