Monday, March 31, 2008

CNN Specials on Autism

This week CNN will be running specials on Autism in light of Wednesday be
National Autism Awareness Day. Check out the EXTREMELY interesting links on CNN's website. Let me know what you think of the Naughty Auties virtual reality space!

CNN Specials on Autism

what was that called?

Does anyone remember what those word puzzles are called when you write a word vertically down a page and then write words or phrases vertically at each letter that start with the same letter as the vertical words? We made one for blindness a few weeks ago and I am trying to use the same idea for a lesson but cannot remember what the correct term is for them. I tried looking on the internet but did not have any luck. Let me know!


Saturday, March 29, 2008

Totally Depends – Some More

  1. How do you keep from singling out the kid when offering assistance? - - - You can't, really.  But, good teachers provide assistance to ALL kids - just in different ways
  2. Have you ever ran into educators that will refuse to work with a deaf child? How do you handle that? - - - I can actually say in my career I NEVER did. Everyone of my colleagues WELCOMED my students and/or me into their classrooms. However, if it were to happen – it depends on the situation, the IEP, the teacher, the principal, etc. how it is handled. But, always very professionally and focusing on STUDENT'S BEST INTEREST
  3. I'm curious about how a signing and a hearing teacher's opinions different in the 2 different DHH schools. Which do they think is better. - - - You will get many different answers for this. Most of the time you will find teachers in Deaf Schools, residential programs, will most often support ASL. However, that is not always true. And that does not mean that OTHERS do NOT. It is impossible to make sweeping generalizations. Hopefully educators will realize the value of various methods of communicating and the role each play.

Your Questions – That Totally Depends on the Individual

You asked many excellent questions Wednesday night on the papers you submitted. Many of these however, simply cannot be answered with a statement or generalization because ALL children are different and all educators are different. It is impossible to say what "all girls like in clothes" and it is impossible to say what is best for all children who are deaf or who are hard of hearing. So, I have listed several questions that the answer is simply, "It truly depends on the individual student, the individual situation, or the individual educators."

  1. What do you think is the best method for learning for these children? – It is truly an INDIVIDUAL CHILD decision.
  2. In Deaf schools do children with cochlear implants get made fun of or looked down upon by Deaf children without them? – Can't generalize – it certainly does happen at times, but also happens in hearing schools, too. Some children who are Deaf WILL make fun, but many others will not. Totally depends on the child.
  3. "Does the deaf student like when the teacher uses differentiated instruction or like to be treated exactly like the others?" – It would depend on the child who is d/Deaf and it would depend on how the teacher is differentiating and implementing it. Very difficult to answer this question in general


On Friday I went to the Lexington Hearing and Speech Center to do my observation and I really really enjoyed it. I encourage anyone who is a deaf ed major (I believe there are two others besides myself in our class), or maybe if you aren't but are interested in seeing this to go and observe there! It is a preschool with a variety of students who have cochlear implants, hearing aids and some who just need help with speech. It is all oral and no signing takes place and I have never seen that before. It was really eye opening and I really enjoyed observing there. The whole day they focus on the students developing speech and language so it goes great with this specific SED class as well!

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Jena's the only one qualified to TRULY answer...

"Most of the time do deaf and hard of hearing individuals date other deaf individuals?"

Jena - WhattayaThink?

"Is it more difficult for deaf to learn math, especially in a setting where the teacher signs? In particular math such as algebra and calculus?"

Jena Answers This One

The student asks, "Any suggestions on how to include all students into learning to better communicate with a deaf student in a mainstream class?

Extra Credit Feedback - From Both Classes

Impressed. I am impressed by your candor and excellent suggestions. Here are a few I will be implementing:

1. Offer you one MORE question than you HAVE TO answer. This gives you an option in case there is one question that you really do NOT know or feel less confident in answering.

2. Be more intentional about stating the instructional objectives of each class and ensuring by the end of class we have met them. If students still have questions that there is an avenue to have those questions addressed.

3. Balance direct instruction and student activities to accomplish the instructional objectives.

4. Ensure that the questions on the test are worded clearly. (Remember ANY time a student is UNCLEAR about a test question you can call and get an explanation of what the question means) However, I will do a better job of writing specific questions.

5. Balance the points between all questions, not making any ONE question be worth such a large percentage of the overall score.

6. Continue with an open book, open note and untimed test.

7. Continue having it be the synthesis, evaluation and application of material as a professional teacher would apply information in a real world setting - not the regurgitation of information from the text and notes. You want college classes that actually are what you can USE in the real world.

8. The questions can demonstrate your own "opinion" or style but MUST reflect best practice or what the book and resources have demonstrated are effective and maximize student learning. Just because a question asks what YOU would do doesn't mean the answer is CORRECT if it does not include what brings about the greatest good or is the most appropriate measure in that given situation. Jena's teacher was 100% wrong in her opinion that Jena HAD TO TAKE NOTES because ALL kids take notes in that class. Not every practice is appropriate.

A few of the things it appears some or all of YOU will be doing...

1. Prepare more effectively - for tests.

2. Read the questions carefully to determine WHAT they are asking you to demonstrate you know.

3. Answer specifically the question that was ASKED not provide general information about that topic.

4. Put forth a bit more effort than you have been

Hmmmmm - who has a longer list!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Let's talk about Acclerated Reader.....

I feel like throughout my time in school I've given AR a pretty fair chance. AR started at my school when I was in 3rd grade, and since then it's grown like a weed that you just can't kill. I feel like the program (or maybe it's the people who implement the program) actually discourages lots of kids from reading at all. The books I wanted to read seemed to never be on the list, so instead of reading something I wanted to read for pleasure I was forced to read something I hated, which in turn made me not want to read at all! I'd really like to hear the other side of the story though....anybody out there who thought AR was useful to them? Anyone who has used it in a classroom and thinks it works well? Complainers like me, I'd love to hear your AR horror stories too! :-)

tonights class

Hey guys! Hope everyone is having a better week then me. For some reason, instead of having one car problem, I have had one after another in a very short time and will not be able to make it to class tonight. Over spring break I had to replace my alternator, battery, and water pump. Driving home from Cincinnati from spring break, my belt fell tore off on the high way and I had it towed the rest of the way home. I just got it in to replace the belt Monday, but the people fixing the belt broke the spring loaded arm that puts the belt on. SOOO that means I have another part to buy and wait for. I am going to be completely broke after this! Anyways, I work full time as a nanny and the ride I found home from work cannot get me until 8 p.m. which would put me back in Richmond right as class was finishing. So, can someone PLEASE post on this blog the important points from class, any pages for me to focus on in the book, and anything else that you think I should know? THANK YOU THANK YOU! Mrs. White, I am sending my extra credit with a friend. Hope that is okay. Have a good class tonight. It sounded really interesting!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Paper in hand

Tomorrow night you will turn in your 10 point extra credit papers to me as you come into class, before class starts. I won't be taking them up at all after this. I found the feedback on the papers from Monday night's students to be very candid and useful. I look forward to reading yours.
My mom emailed me this and I thought it was cute so I wanted to share it.

IEPs by Dr. Seuss (Rhythm from Green Eggs & Ham) Do you like these IEPs?I do not like these IEPsI do not like them, Geez LouiseWe test, we checkWe plan, we meetBut nothing ever seems completeWould you, could you like the form?I do not like the form I seeNot page 1, not 2, not 3Another changeA brand new boxI think we allHave lost our rocksCould you all meet here or there?We could not all meet here or thereWe cannot all fit anywhere!Not in a roomNot in the hallThere seems to be no space at allWould you, could you meet again?I cannot meet again next weekNo lunch, no prepPlease hear me speakNo not at dusk. No not at dawnAt 4 p.m. I should be goneCould you hear while all speak out?Would you write the words they spout?I could not hear, I would not writeThis does not need to be a fightSign here, date thereMark this, check thatBeware the student's ad-vo-cat(e)You do not like themSo you sayTry again, try again!And you mayIf you will let me beI will try againYou'll seeSay!I almost like these IEPs!I think I'll write six thousand threeAnd I will practice day and nightUntil they say"You've got it right!"


I loved last wednesdays class...I guess it really hit home for me. I was legally blind until the age of 15. I had actually forgotten about some of the things they had in my IEP to make learning easier for me. One of the things was the teachers were supposed to use an overhead projector rather than the chalkboard. I had a teacher in fifth grade who day after day refused to use the overhead...and I vividly remember my assistant for the blind chewing her out...hmmmm I think my mom did too hehehe. Of course she had to comply but it took her a long time. To this day she is the worst teacher I've ever had. She didnt care if I could see the material or not she had been teaching that way for a long time and she didnt want to change it just for me.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Yea for me (and I do not mean to brag but I am really surprised)!!!! I got a good grade on test 2. I am so excited!!! I am finally getting it. At first I was not quite understanding all the concepts we were learning in class, but now I am beginning to feel comfortable with it. Congratulations to all of you who also performed well. Finally understanding and succeeding is what makes it all worth it!!!!!!

Test Taking Skills - YOUR Answers to Test 2

I have taken sample answers from various student papers that received 4/4 or 6/6 etc. on each question and put together this sheet which we will use to address Test Taking Skills as well as other skills listed on page 312.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Wednesday Night Class Agenda Change

Agenda for Wednesday Night class has changed.

I welcome/encourage blogging on any of these ideas to help prepare us for class:

1. Deafness - specifically:

  • how the degree of hearing loss impacts language development.
  • factors which impact speech and language development
  • factors to consider for appropriate educational placement
  • instructional strategies

2. Chapter 14 - Enhancing Language and Communication - we will begin with the list on page 312 and apply it to our own classroom and recent test taking experience

Friday, March 21, 2008


Good evening! One of the most encouraging parts about teaching both of my classes is the warmth, encouragement and support you demonstrate for one another. There are several among you who are experience health issues, health issues of close family members, deaths in the family and SCHOOL WORK on top of all of that. I would ask that for those who are prayin' folk say a prayer for one another during this weekend when we celebrate. For others who choose to encourage and support peers in other ways I'd ask that you remember your classmates during these closing weeks of the semester. Offer extra smiles, encouraging words and help as you can.

I am appreciative of being a part of such a great group of students. We WILL complete this course SUCCESSFULLY - TOGETHER!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

I just wanted to say that I really enjoyed class tonight!! I am absolutely fascinated with the deaf community. Thanks to Jenna (hope I spelled it correctly) for coming into class and talking to us. I will be the first to admit that I take for granted all the wonderful things that the Lord has blessed me with. I love to listen to music and tonight on my way home, with my radio on, I thought about how it hard it would be if I couldn't listen to my world would be effected if I lost my hearing or my sight. So I commend all of the people who carry on such successful lives with these issues (I do not want to say disabilites because I am almost sure that the deaf community does not consider themselves disabled and I do not either!).


Hey everyone!! 

I dont know if anyone can help me out, but i cant remember if our observations had to be in strictly an all special ed. classroom or if it could be in a general ed. class that may have students with IEPS. If anyone could let me know that would be great! 


Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Ideas anyone?

While going over the project with Mrs. White on Sunday, we discussed some possible settings in which to record the language sample. I was wondering if anyone had actually taken the language sample yet, and if not what kind of setting do you plan to use? For instance, are YOU actually going to interact with the child, or are you going to record the child interacting with another child? I can't really decide what course to take so I was hoping for some feedback/ideas. Thanks and I hope that everyone had a great spring break!

Spring Break

Hope everyone had a great Spring Break... I just can not believe that it is already over!!! I didn't get to go any where for Spring Break because I will be gone from March 29-April 6 to Florida.. I guess you could call it a late spring break... You are going to laugh, but we actually have tickets to Wrestlemania, so I have to miss my NASCAR race in Martinsville.. :( But, I'm looking forward to going mainly because we are goin to Disney World one of the days and then down to the Keys...
Anyways, hope everyone is having a great week so far and hope to see everyone tomorrow in class.. :)

Monday, March 17, 2008


So i read on the blog that test 2 is due this wed is that correct? I am wondering this because I went to try and take it tongiht where I found test 1 and I can not find it. What am I doing wrong? If anyone else has taken it and knows where it is let me know thanks. Sorry if this a repeat because i tryed to post it first and it dident work so im trying again with a hope that it is not already there haha

What did you do in class

What did you do in class on the fifth because i was sick i could not attend. I was hoping i did not miss the day where the class went over the deaf topic since i am majoring in deaf edu. Let me know thanks.

I need a copy of the article

Anyone who would have time today please e mail me or call me 216-402-3807 because i was not in class on the 5th so i did not get the article that is due on wensday. I will be on campus around 2-4 today but I can always make a special trip i dont live far. I would really appreciate it. Please let me know.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Hello All! This evening Mrs. White met myself and Melissa at O'Charley's for a "make up" class about the language analysis. Where were the rest of you who needed to be there (lol)?? I just wanted to say that I am very excited about this project!! I cannot wait to get into the classroom and observe and record the child that I have chosen for my project! Hopefully from this, any questions or doubts that I have about what we have learned will be answered. Good luck to everyone with this project!!!!

questions about the observation/interview

Mrs. White,
I was wondering who I can interview and observed in the classroom at the Madison County distant. I was thinking about doing the project with a lady that I work with at Hastings. She teaches at Kingston for LBD. Is that OK? If not can you help me find someone around here?


questions about the article

So I was wondering do we have to choose what type of paragraph that we're going to write or do you have to both types of paragraphs for the article?


Saturday, March 8, 2008


Hey Everyone!!!

I hope everyone is having an amazing break already.  I woke up this morning and walked out side and the snow was past my knees. Whoever lives in Cincinnati I hope you are enjoying the snow as much as I am, but I hope it stops soon cause I have a flight leaving at 7 am tomorrow for a cruise so we cant miss the flight. I just thought I would say hi and let everyone know about this crazy snow going on here. A crazy little fact is that ten years ago to March 7 there was a blizard that started in Cincinnati just like yesterday. 

Well everyone be careful and stay warm!

Friday, March 7, 2008


Do we have a form that we need to have the teacher sign to verify that we did our observation time? I hope everyone has a restful spring break!

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Article - Reading Response

If you were NOT in class tonight your article - reading response IS STILL DUE in two weeks, March 19th. I would suggest you contact a classmate and make a copy of the article. It does not scan well in order for me to transmit it (email) electronically.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

test 2

hello all-
I was just checking my understanding of test 2.... when will it be posted? and when will it be due?? thanks, hope everyone's week is off to a good start.